Saturday, June 23, 2012

Breastfeeding Twins

This is Dana, I've emailed people on the forum for twins before, but am not sure how to initiate the question to all of the folks involved - I'm a little slow in keeping up with technology...

could you forward this question to the Pioneer Valley Multiples Group for me?

My twin boy and girl are now 5 months old. I am exclusively breastfeeding them. My girl seems to be getting enough, but my boy consistently wakes one to three times a night very hungry. I know he's hungry, because he is frantic when I get him and gulps for 10 minutes. Would like to know about others experiences regarding how much they needed to breastfeed their twins during the day. It's hard to know first, how much they're getting during one tandem feed, and second, how often they should be feeding to keep up my milk supply...

I don't feel that the typical number of feeding sessions that are recommended for singletons really applies to moms of twins...

Any feedback from the group would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks Lana,

Dana Orsman